Major Flooring

What Influences The Installation Cost And Price Of Engineered Herringbone Wood Flooring?

Engineered herringbone wood flooring is a fashionable and long-lasting choice that brings a sense of sophistication to any room. However, the cost of installing this type of flooring can differ widely due to various factors. Understanding these factors can help you make better budgeting decisions. The primary elements influencing the installation cost and price include the shape of the room, subfloor preparation requirements, fitting method, the experience and expertise of the fitter, floor wastage, and geographic location.

The Shape of the Room

The Shape of the Room

The shape of the room plays a crucial role in determining the cost of installing engineered herringbone wood flooring. Simple, square, or rectangular rooms are typically less expensive to floor because they require fewer cuts and less intricate fitting. Conversely, rooms with irregular shapes, alcoves, or numerous doorways can significantly increase labor time and complexity.

Irregularly shaped rooms often necessitate custom cutting of the flooring pieces to fit around corners, angles, and other architectural features. This process requires more time and precision, leading to higher labor costs. Additionally, more complex room shapes can increase the amount of waste material, as more pieces may need to be trimmed to fit properly, adding to the overall cost.

Subfloor Preparation Requirements

The condition and type of subfloor are critical factors in the installation cost of engineered herringbone wood flooring. A well-prepared, even, and clean subfloor allows for straightforward installation, while uneven or damaged subfloors require additional work to rectify.

Subfloor preparation can involve several processes, including leveling, cleaning, and repairing. If the subfloor is uneven, it may need to be ground down or built up to create a flat surface. Any existing damage, such as cracks or holes, must be repaired to avoid problems with the new flooring. Additionally, a moisture barrier or underlayment may be needed to protect the wood from dampness, which can increase the overall preparation costs. The time and materials needed for subfloor preparation can vary widely, making it a significant factor in the overall installation cost. Homeowners should consider the state of their subfloor when budgeting for their flooring project.

Fitting Method

The method used to fit engineered herringbone wood flooring can also affect the installation cost. There are two primary fitting methods: glue-down and floating.

Glue-down method: While this provides a stable and durable installation, it is labor-intensive and requires skilled workmanship. The cost of the adhesive and the additional labor can make this method more expensive.

Floating method: In this method, the flooring pieces are not glued down but rather clicked together and “float” over the subfloor. This method is generally quicker and easier to install, reducing labor costs.

The choice between these methods will depend on the specific circumstances of the installation and the desired outcome, and it will undoubtedly impact the overall cost.

installation engineered herringbone wood flooring

Experience and Expertise of the Fitter

The experience and expertise of the installer significantly influence the installation cost of engineered herringbone wood flooring. However, their experience can also lead to a more efficient installation process, potentially saving time and reducing the risk of mistakes that could incur additional costs.

Hiring a less experienced fitter may reduce upfront costs, but it can increase the risk of poor installation, leading to problems such as uneven floors, gaps between planks, and other issues that may require costly repairs. Therefore, investing in a qualified and experienced fitter is often a wise decision that can ensure the longevity and quality of the flooring installation.

Floor Wastage

Floor wastage refers to the amount of flooring material that is unused or discarded during the installation process. The herringbone pattern, with its intricate and precise layout, can result in higher wastage compared to simpler patterns.
Wastage can be affected by several factors, such as the size and shape of the room and the quality of the installation planning. Skilled fitters often plan their cuts to minimize waste, but some waste is inevitable. Generally, a wastage allowance of around 10-15% is recommended for herringbone installations, meaning that homeowners should purchase extra material to account for this.

Higher wastage rates increase the overall cost of the flooring material, so careful planning and skilled installation are essential to minimize unnecessary expenses.

Geographic Location

Where you live can also significantly impact the installation cost and price of engineered herringbone wood flooring. Labor rates, material costs, and availability of skilled fitters can vary widely between regions.

In urban areas with a higher cost of living, installation services are generally more expensive due to higher labor costs. Conversely, in rural areas, while labor costs may be lower, the availability of skilled fitters may be limited, potentially leading to higher travel costs or longer wait times for installation.

Additionally, the cost of materials can vary by geographic location due to shipping expenses, local demand, and availability. Regions with a high demand for wood flooring may see higher prices, while areas with limited access to suppliers may incur additional shipping charges.


The installation cost and price of engineered herringbone wood flooring, offered by engineered wood flooring manufacturers, are influenced by a variety of factors, including the shape of the room, subfloor preparation requirements, fitting method, the experience and expertise of the fitter, floor wastage, and geographic location. By comprehending these aspects, homeowners can more effectively plan and budget for their flooring projects, ensuring they achieve their desired results without encountering unforeseen costs.

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